Resolution of Chronic Headache Following Pineal Cyst Fenestration. Case Report

Erica Darian-Smith, Chien Yew Kow, Patrick Kwan and Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld


Objective: We report a single case of resolution of chronic incapacitating headache following surgical fenestration of a large pineal cyst.
Background: There is an established link between pineal cysts and headaches particularly in the presence of ventriculomegaly and gaze paresis. Our patient’s chronic headache was attributed to a large pineal cyst.
Result: Following surgical fenestration there was immediate, complete relief of the patient’s unremitting headache. Ten months since the operation the patient remains headache free.
Conclusion: This case demonstrates that surgical intervention may play a role in management of patients who have large benign pineal cysts and intractable headache despite the absence of ventriculomegaly and gaze paresis.

Published on: April 04, 2017
doi: 10.17756/jnen.2017-021
Citation: Darian-Smith E, Kow CY, Kwan P, Rosenfeld JV. 2017. Resolution of Chronic Headache Following Pineal Cyst Fenestration. Case Report. J Neurol Exp Neurosci 3(1): 15-17.