Frequency and Outcomes of Early Onset Seizures after Ischemic Stroke

Sai Sampath Kumar Natuva, Bala Khaseem D, Ravi Kiran Padala, Sunanda T and Ganesh Vallampalli


Introduction: Stroke is most common cause of new onset seizures in elderly. In this study, we assessed frequency and outcome by National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and modified Rankin Scale (mRS) in early onset seizures after ischemic stroke.
Methods: Case records of all patients during period of June 2013-June 2014 from indigenously made stroke registry of Narayana medical college & Hospital were reviewed. Only cases with early onset of seizures (< 14 days) after ischemic stroke were included as cases (14/304), remaining ischemic stroke patients without seizures are enrolled as controls (290/304). We recorded morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay, NIHSS and mRS scores from the available data.
Results: A total of 304 case records of stroke patients were analysed. Mean age of patients was 53.62 ± 13.06 years (20-85). Frequency of early onset seizures seen in 14 (4.6%) patients. Types of seizures observed in these patients are Generalised tonic clonic seizuresw-6, Focal seizures-5, Epilepsia Partialis Continua-2 and Complex Partial Seizures-1. 12 patients had cortical infarcts while remaining 2 had sub cortical infarcts. Phenytoin and Oxcarbamazepine were preferred drugs even though more than 50% had partial seizures in one or other form. During the follow up, recurrent seizure or mortality was not observed. No statistically significant difference in duration of hospital stay, NIHSS and mRS score at admission and at discharge between patients with and without seizures.
Conclusion: Even though we followed for a short period of one year we observed a sizeable proportion (4.6% of 304) of ischemic stroke cases with early onset seizures. On other hand, stroke severity has no influence on seizures or seizures have no influence on functional outcome.

Published on: January 28, 2016
doi: 10.17756/jnen.2016-007
Citation: Natuva SSN, Khaseem BD, Padala RK, Sunanda T, Vallampalli G. 2016. Frequency and Outcomes of Early Onset Seizures after Ischemic Stroke. J Neurol Exp Neurosci 1(2): 30-33.